Ustedes escribieron un descripción de "una persona que admiro." Luego, tomaron el quiz. Luego, hicimos una actividad sobre preguntas y respuestas. Para terminar, escribieron en fichas el nombre de una persona famosa. Intercambiamos fichas y tenían que conversar como si fueran las personas en sus fichas.
(You wrote a description of "someone I admire." Then, you took the quiz. Then, we did an activity about questions and answers. To finish up, you wrote the name of a famous person on an index card. We exchanged cards and you had to have conversations as if you were the person written on your card.)
MUY IMPORTANTE: We will not have class on Thursday because I have to go to UConn. I will see you next Tuesday, October 3rd.
La tarea:
1) The Learning Report #1 is due Friday at midnight. It is very important to read the rubric and follow it to get full credit! Where is this rubric, you say? It is a) in the syllabus b) in an attachment in the instructions for LR #1 that you can find in Blackboard. Remember, you must post the report to the discussion board in Blackboard (a link for it is in the left side bar). Don't forget to answer 4 reports of your compañeros. Each report should be a new thread and each answer made as a "reply" within the thread.
2) Study Quizlet sets "Los objetos personales" and "Las acciones." We will have a quiz on this vocab on Tuesday.
3) SAM Capítulo 1 Actividad 22, Capitulo 2 Actividades 1, 2, 13, 14
4) LM Capitulo 2 Actividades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
5) One of the themes in Chapter 1 is "Hispanics in the U.S." In the ebook, there is a section you might want to look at. Additionally, here are two articles of interest. This one discusses Puerto Rico's relationship with the U.S. and this one discusses Mexico's relationship with the U.S.
Ustedes escribieron un descripción de "una persona que admiro." Luego, tomaron el quiz. Luego, hicimos una actividad sobre preguntas y respuestas. Para terminar, escribieron en fichas el nombre de una persona famosa. Intercambiamos fichas y tenían que conversar como si fueran las personas en sus fichas.
(You wrote a description of "someone I admire." Then, you took the quiz. Then, we did an activity about questions and answers. To finish up, you wrote the name of a famous person on an index card. We exchanged cards and you had to have conversations as if you were the person written on your card.)
MUY IMPORTANTE: We will not have class on Thursday because I have to go to UConn. I will see you next Tuesday, October 3rd.
La tarea:
1) The Learning Report #1 is due Friday at midnight. It is very important to read the rubric and follow it to get full credit! Where is this rubric, you say? It is a) in the syllabus b) in an attachment in the instructions for LR #1 that you can find in Blackboard. Remember, you must post the report to the discussion board in Blackboard (a link for it is in the left side bar). Don't forget to answer 4 reports of your compañeros. Each report should be a new thread and each answer made as a "reply" within the thread.
2) Study Quizlet sets "Los objetos personales" and "Las acciones." We will have a quiz on this vocab on Tuesday.
3) SAM Capítulo 1 Actividad 22, Capitulo 2 Actividades 1, 2, 13, 14
4) LM Capitulo 2 Actividades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
5) One of the themes in Chapter 1 is "Hispanics in the U.S." In the ebook, there is a section you might want to look at. Additionally, here are two articles of interest. This one discusses Puerto Rico's relationship with the U.S. and this one discusses Mexico's relationship with the U.S.